The most Frequently Asked Questions
Cabana Pools Aquatech is an expert at all things pool related. Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions.
How Much Does it Cost to Build A Swimming Pool?
Costs of swimming pools can vary greatly depending on the size and shape of your pool, special features on your pool, and site conditions. The days of building a swimming pool for thirty thousand dollars are gone, so you can easily expect the average swimming pool to cost anywhere from the mid forty thousand dollar range on up.
How Long Does It Take To build A Swimming Pool?
Swimming pools on average take anywhere between eight and twelve weeks from the day of excavation. While Cabana Pools Aquatech makes every effort possible to ensure a quick construction process, things such as permits and weather conditions can also add to the time frame.
What If I have A Small Backyard?
Small Backyards can actually have very innovative designs and you would be surprised what a good builder can do with tight space constraints.
Why Do Estimates Vary With Similar Designs?
It is important to compare apples to apples when comparing pool estimates from different builders. Many builders will cut corners and may leave out necessary items in order to get an estimate as low as possible. Properly sized steel, hydraulically designed plumbing, properly sized equipment, reasonable material allowances, ease of maintenance, and quality craftsmanship are all things to consider. You also want to make sure the structure of the pool has been properly designed for the type of soils in your backyard. Expansive soils can be a recipe for disaster if the pool is not properly designed for the expansiveness. We will oftentimes recommend a soil report in order to know the soil conditions and therefore design the structure accordingly.
Will A Small Pool or "Spool" Be Less Expensive?
Typically a small pool often referred to as a “spool”, will not necessarily be less expensive. A small pool still requires the same pool equipment, steel, plumbing, and electrical as larger pools. Many subcontractors have a minimum size and material requirements that can also prevent very small pools from being less expensive.
How Do I Pick The Right Builder?
Take your time doing your research and only consider those with experience. Experience is key. The state of Texas does not have any licensing in order to be a pool builder, which means anyone can claim they know how to build pools and therefore open a pool construction business. It is important to make sure your builder has been in business for many years under the same name. Ask to speak with customers. Often times the best way to get a feel for how a business handles their customers is by speaking with them directly. Problems in construction are inevitable but what matters most is to have a builder who stands behind their work and is there through every phase of the project. Next, go out and see some of their work. Ask to see older pools as well as the newer ones. It is easy to have a great looking pool that is six months old, the difference will be in the older pools, especially those five years and older. It is also important that your builder be involved in professional organizations such as APSP and United Aqua Group.
Let's talk about your new backyard oasis today!
We offer new construction, renovations, pool cleaning and maintenance!
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